10/1/95 12:00 |
Iowa City, IA |
Man witnesses 2 "white" aircraft rendezvous at
high altitude, fly toward bizarre obj. approaching very fast. Obj. "sparkled." |
10/1/95 14:00 |
Lake Oswego, OR |
Man reports brief sighting of peculiar white object in daytime
sky. (See later sighting on same day.) |
10/1/95 16:30 |
Lake Oswego, OR |
Man reports witnessing 2 "diamond-shaped objects overhead.
(Second sighting on same day.) |
10/1/95 21:00 |
Vacaville, CA |
Young woman, several family members witness peculiar orange
disc hovering over neighbor's house. Within 100 ft. (est.). |
10/1/95 22:30 |
Piedmont, CA |
Woman repts. "big disc the size of a volleyball, very
bright like a landing light, w/ a green tinge on top," flew over house
to N. |
10/1/95 22:30 |
Austin, TX |
Man reports wife went out to empty trash, disappears for
90 min., returns disoriented and acting strangely. |
10/2/95 0:20 |
Santa Rosa, CA |
Woman goes out to smoke, witnesses overhead "something
flapping its wings, like a pteradactyl." Obj. flew NW. Had blue lights. |
10/2/95 1:40 |
Boling Brook, IL |
Woman witnesses "orange or yellow arrow-shaped"
obj. moving slowly to W. Had one light on either side of craft. |
10/2/95 10:15 |
N. Providence, RI |
Man witnesses "small white dot, that came out of clouds."
Was slow-moving, white, w/ "red on tail." |
10/2/95 16:08 |
Garberville, CA |
Employee from KMUD radio station calls regarding sighting(s)
over northern CA during previous night. |
10/2/95 19:50 |
Farmington, MN |
Man witnesses very small, VERY bright light descending rapidly
in NE sky. Approx. 1/10 diameter of moon. |
10/3/95 23:15 |
Volinda, CA |
Woman & 4 neighbors witness "bright red light moving
slightly across the sky." |
10/4/95 22:30 |
Seattle, WA |
Woman calls to report a "UFO" in southern sky.
Flashing red, blue, green lights; stationary. (Possible star?) |
10/5/95 10:00 |
Chinley, AZ |
Member of military (active) witnesses bizarre "metallic,
rectangular" obj. hover over desert. Sees 4 times! Pursued by 11 aircraft! |
10/5/95 19:00 |
N. Las Vegas, NV |
Young woman goes outside, see group of teenage girls looking
as sky. Large cigar-ship w/ bright lights hovering in sky. Other rpts. |
10/6/95 19:00 |
Puyallup, WA |
Man witnesses "small whitish, blue-green ball"
pass overhead, flying to east. |
10/7/95 19:15 |
W. Valley City, UT |
Young woman & boyfriend witness "a black obj,...a
round black disc w/ a dome," move slowly overhead. Suddenly disappeared. |
10/7/95 20:15 |
Muskegon, MI |
Man reports peculiar lights circling his residence. (Probable
advertising lights.) |
10/7/95 20:17 |
Wolf Lake, MI |
Woman repts. "4 to 6 UFO's going in circle, coming
together" near her house. Was alarmed by "sighting." (Prob.
advertising lights.) |
10/8/95 18:00 |
Phoenix, AZ |
Young man in back of p/u truck, witnesses "flaming
red/orange" obj. to W, near Luke AFB. Flares, dims, rises vert., winks
out. |
10/9/95 |
Iowa City, IA |
Man repts. witnessing "flash, followed by a classic
UFO, w/ a tailfin at back." Red color on top half of tailfin. Became
triangular. |
10/10/95 17:05 |
Puerto Rico, PR |
Woman calls regarding fiance who is having peculiar "flash
back" recall of alien type creatures. Directed to investigator. |
10/10/95 19:45 |
Milwaukee, WI |
Man on Hwy 43 SW of Milwaukee sees large, bright blue light
streak by his car, descend, turn, cross road ahead, strobe. Bizarre! |
10/10/95 22:40 |
Oakland, CA |
Woman repts. bright light in NW sky, suddenly approaches
her, flies slowly overhead. Swept wings, 2 blurry lights either side. |
10/11/95 18:30 |
Brooklyn, NY |
Young man, mother witness watch strange red obj. 45 deg.
above horizon w/ binocular. Obj. suddenly fades, disappears from sight. |
10/11/95 20:00 |
Huntington, WV |
Young man & grandfather see a "large, orange, round
or oval" obj. move along horizon very fast, hover, move erratically.
Bizarre! |
10/13/95 5:50 |
Crescent City, CA |
Woman goes outside to retrieve paper, sees "some lights"
hovering above ocean. White lights turn red, begin zigzagging, stopped. |
10/13/95 20:00 |
Tacoma, WA |
Woman repts. 5-6 "rocket ship-shaped things, w/sparks
flying out back end," flying down vert.out of the night sky. Good
rept. |
10/14/95 13:25 |
Des Moines, WA |
Man repts."long silver obj., seemed to roll, alternated
from silver to gray." Had a "red glow" near tail, released
gold/yellow sparks. |
10/14/95 22:30 |
Spokane, WA |
Empl. of KREM-TV calls regarding multiple sightings of bright
green object w/ orange tail reported by multiple callers. |
10/14/95 22:30 |
Troy, MT |
Two women witness green obj, "size of full moon,"
fly directly toward them, descend from SE. Illuminated trees on top of
mtn.. |
10/14/95 22:30 |
Sand Point, ID |
Man calls to report multiple witnesses to "green fireball"
over WA, ID, MT. Very strange object! |
10/14/95 22:30 |
Dayton, WA |
Several young people witness "lime-green, glowing sphere"
descend from W to E in N sky, disappear below hor. Other repts. |
10/14/95 22:30 |
Madison, WI |
Co. emerg. dispatch relays sighting of "pointed, oval
obj." by family of 4. When bright light dimmed, "spikes sticking
out" visible. |
10/14/95 23:20 |
Abilene, KS |
Man sees very large "three fingers wide" obj move
slowly across sky from N to SW. Had 4 lights in triangular pattern. Faint
hum. |
10/15/95 18:15 |
Godfrey, IL |
Man & 2 sons witness, pursue in car, strange obj. in
rural area. Was size, approx. color of moon. Odd shape, haze. "Winked
out." |
10/16/95 5:57 |
Scofield Barracks, HI |
Soldier reports seeing a "stationary obj. to S, w/
red & blue flashing lights." Still clearly visible even after
sun has risen. |
10/17/95 20:45 |
Miami, FL |
FAA controller relays UFO sighting reported by "crew"
of aircraft 15 miles SE of Lakeland FL. Vortac. Did not show on a/c radar. |
10/17/95 21:15 |
Mergas, GA |
Several people witness "4 little red lights" move
across sky. They darted erratically, moved fast. Some yellow light present,
too. |
10/17/95 21:38 |
Crescent City, CA |
Man witnesses strange white, oval-shaped light being pursued
by 2 fast aircraft. Very high, fast. Obj dramatically outpaced a/c. |
10/18/95 18:45 |
Grass Lake, MI |
Man & wife witness "large white luminous ball w/
bright blue tail" descend from W to E in N sky. Moved very rapidly.
Good rpt. |
10/19/95 |
Vancouver, WA |
Man rpts hearing on "Mutual Network News" of bizarre
UFO landing, interaction, in Malaysia. (See Bangkok News early JN95!) |
10/19/95 5:30 |
Rocky Point, WA |
Woman repts. being awakened by strange "whine, like
a jet." Went outside, saw bizarre delta-shaped craft. Obj. changed
shape! |
10/19/95 9:15 |
Vancouver, WA |
Fed. empl. (pilot & a/c mech.) w/ 2 co-workers witness
2 metallic discs approach from E sky below contrails, turn, streak. Exclnt. |
10/19/95 19:15 |
Beaverton, OR |
Man's dog suddenly starts acting very bizarrely, threatens
to bite him. He takes dog outside, witnesses bizarre light hover, leave. |
10/22/95 2:30 |
Bessemer, AL |
Man, wife, 2 children, driving down long hill, see bizarre
cluster of lights, "like Christmas tree in the sky." Multiple
witnesses. |
10/22/95 19:35 |
Auburn, CA |
Young girl w/ friends witness bizarre "triangle w/
3 red, dim lights," streak across sky. Strobed bright light. Scared,
nauseous. |
10/23/95 21:30 |
Johnson City, TN |
Young couple witness 2 "huge" objects pass overhead.
Had no wings, 20 lights (est.) per side. Very visible; "hummed."
Good rpt. |
10/24/95 2:00 |
Hollister, CA |
Man calls to relay sighting of "very large white light
in sky." Obj. developed "tail like comet." Other observers.
Called police. |
10/25/95 16:55 |
Brunswick Co., ND |
Sheriff's office calls to rept. that deputy, 20 mi. SSE
of Wilmington, is looking at peculiar, bright white, strobing light. |
10/27/95 20:28 |
Pr. of Wales Isl., AK |
Man rpts very large, circular obj passing slowly across
N sky from W to E to horizon. Dia. of full moon! Burning material ejected. |
10/27/95 21:23 |
Siletz, OR |
Woman & 3 witnesses rpt stat. obj flashing white, green,
red lights. Zigzags dramatically. (Reptd. 02NO95 obj. not visible in sky.) |
10/28/95 1:30 |
Greenwood, CA |
Man & wife see very bright obj do "loop" then
see 3 more objs. Got other witnesses, saw 11 objs! Seemed to "shoot
at each other." |
10/28/95 20:00 |
Auburn, WA |
Woman repts. a "white, round meteor," viewed from
Rte. 64. Viewed to north approx. 25 deg. above horizon. |
10/29/95 21:40 |
Kodak, TN |
Man & wife witness very bizarre obj. moving erratically
in sky. "It looked like an airplane, but it wasn't (one.)" 1
blinking light. |
10/29/95 21:40 |
Ellisville, MO |
Woman repts. "4 lights, then 6 lights, look like bright
street lights in the sky." Criss-crossing, dancing motion. (Adv. lights?) |
10/30/95 23:30 |
Seattle, WA |
Woman rpts peculiar bright obj. in NW sky, 45 deg. above
horizon. (Reported 02NO95 obj. was not present on subsequent nights.) |
10/31/95 19:00 |
Tacoma, WA |
Woman sees extremely bright, "fuschia-pink" ball
of light settle into neighbor's field! Light reflected off truck; dog stared
at it. |
10/31/95 20:45 |
Start Up, WA |
Woman witnessed apparently round obj. w/ 7 lights on rim,
alternating red & white. Lights gave impression they were "circling." |
10/31/95 21:10 |
Tacoma, WA |
Man sitting in hot tub sees "satellite" in E sky.
Obj. suddenly accelerated dramatically, made zigzag turns, departed very
fast. |
10/31/95 22:05 |
W. Hartford, CT |
Passenger in car noticed "haze" that appeared
to be divided into 3 "sections" w/ bright light in center. Changed
shape, became disc. |